These five common claims against personal care businesses can greatly impact your business, so it is important to be prepared. Read on to learn about common claim examples and how you can prevent them at your franchise.

Five Common Claims Against Personal Care Businesses — Property Claims

Property claims go hand in hand with a brick and mortar. Whether your business’s property is damaged by fire, wind, hail, theft or vandalism, there is always the chance of some damage occurring. This damage can also impact the contents of your buildings, including your equipment, furnishings, computers, inventory and supplies.

Fire, theft and other disasters affecting your space are not only often costly to fix, but they could also impact your ability to operate your business.

Five Common Claims Against Personal Care Businesses — General Liability Claims

General liability claims can be extremely broad, but fall into the categories of bodily injury, personal injury and personal property damage. These types of claims can easily occur during your normal business operations, such as:

  • A client trips over a floor mat, injuring themselves in your business and files a claim for medical expenses.
  • An employee spills wax on a client’s pricey designer handbag resulting in a claim for replacement costs.

While the specifics of general liability claims will vary, every organization faces the risks of these types of claims.

Five Common Claims Against Personal Care Businesses — Workers’ Compensation Claims

Employee injuries are commonplace from industry to industry. Doing all you can to prevent these injuries not only protects your employees’ mental and physical well-being, but protects your business by reducing downtime, overtime paid to non-injured employees or training replacements.

Common employee injuries often include:

  • Slip-and-fall accidents resulting in injuries
  • Back injuries due to lifting or overexertion
  • Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel
  • Injuries that occur during travel for work, not including commuting

Implement these guidelines to reduce employee injuries at your franchise.

Five Common Claims Against Personal Care Businesses — Employment Practices Claims

Every day, workers file lawsuits against employers, with many claims targeting small businesses. These claims can include:

  • Discrimination
  • Wrongful termination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Wage and hour law
  • Breach of contract and more

These tips for hiring and firing can help reduce your business’s employment practices risks.

Five Common Claims Against Personal Care Businesses  — Cyber Claims

As a franchise business operating in today’s digitally connected world, your business faces several cyber liability risks. For franchisees, cyber crime is expensive, causing damage or destruction to your digital files, stealing time and money away from your franchise business, and defrauding customers through the theft of their personal and financial data stored on your computers.

Common cyber risks against franchise businesses include:

  • Wire Fraud—A scheme to defraud or obtain money based on false representation or promises.
  • Social Engineering—A tactic often employed by cyber criminals for confiscating confidential information through manipulation of a person or business.
  • Ransomware—A type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid by the victim.

Typically, most franchisees do not consider themselves at risk for a cyber attack and have failed to take measures to secure their systems and data. It is crucial to have a plan in place to protect your franchise.

Protecting Your Personal Care Businesses Against Claims

By partnering with Lockton Affinity’s WellBiz Insurance Program, you have access to all the insurance policies to protect your franchise from these five common claims and many, many more.

Get started today by visiting or contacting one of our dedicated insurance representatives at (866) 597-1346.